Thursday, June 18, 2009

Government Health Care versus Individual Liberty

Are the "statists" about to destroy the best health care system on earth? Will you sacrifice more of your individual liberty by conferring decisions about your health care to faceless and mindless bureaucrats? Will you willingly accept "socialized" medicine (yes, that means the government owns it) without uttering a word of objection? Will you be satisfied with medical rationing, loss of services and sub-standard health care? Are you prepared to offer-up by way of increased taxation on you and your family more than two trillion dollars over the next decade to pay for government health care?

Ideologues seem to be laying the ground-work to re-shape our civil society into a distorted and unrepresentative transmogrification of what will soon become a distant memory of a great medical delivery system. These politicians ignore the will of the people and thereby violate their oaths of office while continuing to intentionally manipulate Americans at every opportunity.

Government, although absolutely necessary, should be limited and in no way should be the source of many of our problems. Do you agree?

If you want no part of this poorly conceived plan, think about signing this petition:

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