Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Government and Media Propaganda

As our nation approaches 10% unemployment and we hear mounting criticisms from many mayors who are now voicing their disapproval of our central government's inability to get "stimulus" money to them, what do you hear from or read in the major media outlets? For that matter, what do you hear from our leader? Not much on both accounts. Rather than doing in-depth investigative reports on the pain and suffering Americans are experiencing due to what I believe to be a government-induced state of malaise, the daily demise of our business and manufacturing industries, or positing objective prognostics on the sad future-state awaiting our children and grandchildren: historically deplorable conditions characterized by the consequences of the excesses of today's politicians...systematic destruction of the time-honored institutions of our society; a weakened and re-structured economy plagued by immense debt and probable hyper-inflation to point out a couple things, what do the media give us? Well, I see really "hard journalism" by way of tailgate parties to hamburger joints and dates with the wife to NYC...dinner and a play. Do you see the same thing, or am I somewhat naive? I see twisted and gross misinformation of what I believe to be intentional manipulation of the truth; I see a great divide between what Americans really believe and what these so-called journalists and government spokesmen report.

We are still free (at this writing) to both express ourselves and select our sources of information. Am I the only one who has given up on giving a modicum of credibility to the major commercial television networks and respect for our newspaper? Shouldn't they be inherently skeptical of government and its agents? Should they accept the ideological propaganda promulgated by government spokespersons and politicians, or should they reject it, or at least challenge it on behalf of the public they serve? Are they in bed with the people they report on? Is their political reporting situational depending on the ideological beliefs of reporters, editors, and the ubiquitous government agent? Are they representing and advancing the "party's" beliefs, hoping to re-shape your thinking? Am I being naive again?

I now get my information from the internet. Or, better yet, I go to the source and ask questions or listen to their remarks firsthand where I can. Politicians and journalists are simply flesh and blood, like you and me. They have no more "real" insight into any of the great issues of the day than we have. They are surrounded by advisors, obsessed with their positions and status, and very well know the power of the press. We have our intellect, our convictions and beliefs, and the power of the vote.

It is our duty to demand more truthfulness and integrity from everyone reporting the news, whether it is the government propagandist or the media zealots we have to painfully endure.

What do you think?


  1. You write so eloquently about terribly disturbing topics which are plaguing our nation. The most recent thing to add further "insult to injury" are the $300.00 signs posted on projects (look for them especially at highway projects) which are being paid for by this "stimulus" $$. $300.00 would go a long way if used with actual wisdom. Also, the president's interview this morning and speech yesterday about healthcare reform was especially worrisome. Because I've skipped mammograms for 2 years due to expense, does this mean I may get "fined" if I develop problems in this area? Or taxed on what few benefits my insurance does pay?

  2. An interesting standpoint would have to be an international one, now wouldn't it?

    Jokes aside, but it's at the same time it's not a sarcastic statement all-together. International media spend a whole lot of their time covering topics mostly relevant to Americans themselves. Not that your politics doesn't interfere with ours, 'cause it definitely does on a large scale - but as non-americans I can easily say that you're the leaders, and we're the followers. Now that's an interesting concept in its own right, but a rather large topic to cover, and I'll pretty much cut to the chase: I don't see why it is that way anymore.

    Americans have been considered the worlds police force for a good while now, and you're no doubt a powerhouse on the international weapons & related affairs-market (terrorism mainly eh), but when it comes to everyday living, I'll have to say that life seems hard? As a European, I think I can pretty much say that we've a better social system. Not many can argue with that, and I'm not saying it to make you look any worse. I'm just wondering why the hefty bill on non-national affairs is allowed to steal so much away from the yearly budget? Private weapons development companies doesn't sound all that private if money from the American budget as a whole is being shoveled in there like never before (or should I say as always?).

    I'm just ranting. Perhaps you don't even read the comments, but as always, love,

