Saturday, August 1, 2009

Are the Radical Liberals Crazy, or Are We?

Can you believe that Congress in following the direction of a community organizer is at the brink of destroying the greatest health care system on earth and replacing it with a government-managed monopoly which will dispossess you in managing your own health decisions? Americans in huge numbers do not want anything to do with this. They are rejecting this extremely radical big government takeover of a most personal side of their lives. In increasing numbers, Americans see this coercive act of government on its citizens as an attack on their liberty, and right to self-determination and privacy. Americans instinctively know that government is incompetent to effectively manage any systemic program. The proof is clearly seen in its disgraceful performance in managing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Do you actually believe that this same government will demonstrate anything different if it successfully destroys our healthcare delivery system and struggles to manage its newly created government plan for 300 million Americans? Look at its performance in the so-called "Cash for Clunkers" Democrat boondoggle. It resulted in 136 pages of rules and regulations rendering it nearly impossible to cut a government check for $4,500. Americans are disgusted with the political machinations by Democrats in the legislative and executive branches, who rely on propagandistic talking points that grossly distort and mislead us on the true content and goal of this legislation: reparations to a select few by forcing total government control of health care on everyone; displace you, an individual, as the primary economic and political unit in our country with coercive collectivism; expansion of government power over you to slowly starve you of your liberty; and, to instill in the minds of our young the preposterous thought that we are all owed positive rights to food, clothes, house ownership, retirement security, and, medical care. These ignoble tenets of the liberal agenda erode the institutions that serve us and diminish us as free, independent, and self-reliant individuals.

Why are the radical liberals so effusive in their hate of their country, disrespectful of its citizens, and obsessed with using scapegoats whom they demonize to rationalize their psychotic decisions: hate big business; hate Wall Street; hate the banks; hate the coal and oil industry; hate the rich; and now, hate the insurance industry. Why so much hate? We can only deduce that the radical liberal has lots of personal psychological baggage. His childhood years may have been a traumatic experience characterized by emotional abandonment, indulgence without love, developmental deficits, rejection, and an array of other early phychological injuries. As an adult with power, he now has a distorted perception of the world, the distortion caused by his suffering at the hands of his caretakers. He projects his neurotic preoccupation with feelings of deprivation and exploitation onto his world today. He believes that Americans are generally incompetent to make their own choices and deserve only the liberty he sees appropriate in a society structured partially by him to give himself some relief from his internal pain.

Will you deliver to this truly troubled group of people your right to self-determination, your self-reliance, your personal responsibilities as a competent adult, your individualism and autonomy, and your liberty? Or, instead, will you stand for your principles and rights, your personal beliefs, your right to direct your own life, to voluntarily cooperate and not accept government coersion supporting collectivism, and not be labled a citizen-child who is incapable of caring for yourself? Will you demand of your government to leave you alone?!

Are we crazy to believe that ordered liberty should be a fundamental "deliverable" from a limited government that is respectful of us, our sovereignty, our property, and of our right to be defended against government intrusion, all envisioned by our very astute founders? Or are we quite reasonable and prudent in having these expectations of our government?

Who really knows what causes the madness of a person? We are all products of our experiences and learning processes. But, if that madness manifests itself in a body politic, then competent adults need to take political action by turning these neurotic people out of office. We need to rescue our civil society from the crazy people. I pray they get medical help, hopefully from our high quality, open and competitive private medical care delivery system.

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