Friday, July 3, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake

Bloomberg reports in a July2, 2009 piece that our economy continues to tank. They report a 9.5% unemployment rate, the highest since 1983. It will probably reach 10% by the end of the year. Our country has lost 6.5 million jobs, the biggest loss post-WWII. People are reflecting their fear of government intrusion into their lives by keeping their money. Savings rates "surged to a 15 year high in May." Weekly earnings are down. There has been a systematic destruction of your wealth as a consequence of government incompetence. It has resulted in the collapse of the housing market, and an outright assault on the investment and business industries. Cap and Trade and Government Healthcare are at our doorsteps and if the liberals have their way, you and future generations will be irrevocably harmed...all due to the acts of a tyrannical government.

It's interesting to note that more than 85% of Americans are satisfied with the present health delivery system. Also, it is only less than 2% of people who do not have health insurance for a period greater than two years. Are you going to allow shameful politicians to interfere with your healthcare system, completely dismantling it at the expense of 98% of Americans? How long will you tolerate government mis-information and propaganda and, yes, outright lies foisted upon honest and hard-working Americans in order to accomplish a twisted and irrational ideological agenda?

At a time when people are feeling the direct affects of an economy in a deep recession and who are tightening their belts just to make ends meet and to provide for their children, what are our elected officials doing? Well, they are travelling on your dime. The hypocrisy of these people is unimaginable and completely incongruent with the times we live in....They studied global warming in the Galapagos Islands (the trip included family members of course); learned more about homeland security while in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Panama; and enjoyed days in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Italy (where Nancy Pelosi and "a delegation of Democrat lawmakers...spent eight days...spending almost $58,000" of your tax dollars on hotels and meals.

This is obscene! Immoral! Unconscionable! Detestable! Hypocritical!

The elitists are hard at work shaping their vision of the way we should live our lives. It, of course, is not the way they will live their lives. They are largely the same people who will put a wedge between you and your doctor, tell you what kind of car you will drive, how you will light and heat your house, prescribe how you will build your house (they are leaning toward the California building standard..yes, the state run by a Politburo and now bankrupt), and control the foods you will eat. Unfortunately, those elitists comprise our Congress and Executive Branch. Doesn't all this make you feel proud to pay your taxes (at least the 48% of Americans who are the remainder now paying taxes)?

This "Let them eat cake" attitude will hopefully be the demise of these reprehensible people during the 2010 elections.

1 comment:

  1. You write so eloquently about a situation which is so terribly dangerous and poisonous, and I find it more than ironic this is just prior to when we celebrate our INDEPENDENCE! What you are talking about, however, is our enshacklement, coining a word to fit the situation. Historically when one administration would come in and dismantle things and put in place others (speaking of Democrats, the dismantling being the military and the other things put in place being larger government and higher taxes) we could generally breathe a bit easier when the next administration (Republican) would come in and undo much of this an rebuild things again. At this time, though, things are so terribly skewed that I'm afraid if this administration gets its way this will be one bell which will be impossible to be unrung. Here we are on the threshold of Independence Day. What would our forefathers say?! Shame. Much shame.
